National Membership

Affiliation with US Grand Lodge O.T.O. is divided into three primary categories: corresponding associates, ecclesiastical lay membership, and initiate membership.

Corresponding Associates

To be a corresponding associate requires no physical attendance. For a $10.00 annual contribution, corresponding associates have the opportunity to correspond with O.T.O. members in the U.S.A. and other countries, by mail or via the internet.

Those who live far from any O.T.O. body, or who are not prepared to become O.T.O. members for whatever reason, may support the work of the Order by becoming Corresponding Associates.

Learn more about corresponding association with O.T.O at the USGL membership page.

Lay membership in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

Ecclesiastical lay membership in the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.) is conferred by the ceremony of confirmation, which must be preceded by the ceremony of baptism. Lay membership conveys no authority or special privileges within E.G.C. or O.T.O. and may be conferred upon initiates and non-initiates alike.


Initiate membership can be conferred only in a physical ceremony by a properly chartered initiator. Initiate membership is subdivided by degree. There are a total of 21 Initiate degrees in O.T.O., including thirteen numbered degrees and eight unnumbered, intermediate degrees or sub-degrees.

Dues & Fees

O.T.O. operates primarily on dues and fees collected from the membership. Annual dues are established by the Order as a minimum contribution. Fees (one time only) are set for each initiation to defer the costs of the initiation itself. The annual dues are sent, in their entirety, to Grand Lodge for the general operating fund of the Order. Local bodies may add fees to costs for initiation.

Learn more at US Grand Lodge.

Listed fees for initiations at Knights Templar Oasis are the fees for local members as well as members outside of US Grand Lodge who happen to be taking an initiation at Knights Templar Oasis.

Membership category Annual dues Initiation fee Total
$42 $51 $93
$42 $51 $93
II° $84 $42 $126
III° $126 $94 $220
IV° $168 $144 $312
P∴I∴ --- $42 $42